In a world of ever-changing consumer needs, the only thing that stays constant is change. As you’re reading this, people are buying and selling items in new ways not yet conceived by marketers today. The future of sales will be complicated, and you will want to produce a team that is up to the challenge. To prepare your team for the future, you will need continuously train them to meet these challenges.
With over 50% of sales occurring online or virtually, sales teams need to communicate using various platforms like e-mail, webinars, virtual presentations, websites, social media, videos, and phone interactions. While it’s always been critical to build relationships with customers and prospects, today that’s even more important. Building relationships virtually can pose challenges for some. It requires that salespeople become fluent in technologies that they’ve not had to use in the past and it demands new sales processes that lets them creatively present information through a dynamic tool kit that captures the attention of everyone participating.
You need to build the brightest and highest-producing sales team possible. With the amount of competition in the market, a strong sales team along with a strong sales strategy makes the difference between corporate growth or losing deals because of inaccurate or delayed information being given to a prospect.
Utilizing product videos along with product images, documentation and details simultaneously captures the attention of the buyer and provides an opportunity for them to see everything they need, in detail and in conjunction with other product literature. Using the right sales technology lets you accomplish this.
Being able to easily bring subject matter experts (SMEs) into a sales meeting can make a difference in shortening the sales cycle. Offering an opportunity for the prospect to meet the product manager, VP or CEO via a virtual session lets the prospect know they are important and that they have the attention of everyone in the company. That feeling of importance and security can often lead to a closed deal.
Selling virtually, while it may have its challenges, can provide a stronger path to sales. Salespeople can meet more prospects because they are not losing valuable time traveling to a client’s office. Having everything available at their fingertips in a virtual sales room, eliminates the need for printed product material. Offering the prospect an opportunity to download any piece of information directly from the meeting ensure the prospect has the needed details. And, having your entire support team available to jump in to assist with any additional information needed helps to further seal the deal. Jigsaw Interactive is a virtual technology that offers the ability to effectively manage your virtual sales programs. Utilizing Jigsaw’s multi-dimensional platform provides a highly engaging and powerful solution to assist sales team build client relationships virtually.