Improve Learning Effectiveness
Learning is about doing. For learners to get the most from training they need to be able to engage with the trainer, other learners and the content. Activity-based training increases learning retention by 70%+ over lecture-based programs.
Ideal for Software Training
Good software training has to include hands on work in the software. Using Jigsaw's multi-screen sharing option, trainers can see up to 25 attendees screens simultaneously make software training easier and more cost effective for companies.
Increase Attendee Engagement
No matter how good your trainers and content are, if you're not involving the learner you're missing the mark. With multiple tools for hands on and personalized learning, Jigsaw provides a solution that helps drive increased engagement.
Perfect for Sales Simulation Training
Prepare your sales teams through role play rooms focused on product introduction and positioning or sales strategies.
See The Difference For Yourself

"Learning is an experience. Everything else is just information."
- Albert Einstein
Safe & Secure
100% of Jigsaw traffic is 256-bit AES encrypted, with no downloads or installs required. Jigsaw is GDPR, HIPAA, FERPA and COPPA compliant.
For Training, Teaching & Learning
Built specifically for live virtual learning and training, Jigsaw focuses on the learner and learning results.
Small Group Learning
Activity-based learning is more successful in small groups where engagement is required of everyone to meet the task at hand.
It's All About Learning
Using the right technology for training is as important as using the correct curriculum. Specialized for live virtual learning and training, Jigsaw is the right tool for the job.
Learning Confirmation
Assessments during training identify areas of weakness, offering instant remedial review to correct and support the learner.
World-Class Support
Our customer care program uses multiple channels to report issues so our customers are assured their requests will be acknowledged and resolved as quickly as possible.