Leading The Way In Virtual Learning

Using a virtual learning environment lets students drive their learning experience through doing and offers teachers tools to improve engagement and performance .

Powerful Yet Simple

A virtual classroom designed to get students engaged in virtual learning. Powerful enough to involve all types of learners and simple enough for even the youngest student.


Powerful tools that are easy to use

Easy-to-use tools designed for teachers & students of all ages.

Engagement is Key

Built for Engagement

Student involvement is key to learning. Students need to connect with teachers and other students to get the most out of class. Socialization is a critical part of learning because it teaches us that others may view things differently and helps us understand why.


Accessible on all your devices

Whether using a laptop, Chromebook, tablet or smart phone, Jigsaw offers a unique and diverse set of learning tools for a powerful virtual learning environment.

We Care About Every Customer

Backed by an amazing support team

Backed by our ICARE values, every customer is supported by a dedicated account management & techincal support team.

Improve Student Results
Increase Learning Effectiveness
Get Critical Learning Analytics On All Students
Increase Student Engagement

“The main hope of a nation lies in the proper education of its youth.” --Erasmus

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