Virtual Sales – Part II – How to Do Virtual Sales Right

In the first article in this three-part series, we established that virtual sales presentations are popular and effective. But how do you do them well? How do you jump over the hurdles that will inevitably arise?

Tools of the Trade

Every salesperson or sales team will need access to a good slide presentation software and/or a video creation software. A virtual communication software is the other major tool needed.  Choosing the right technology is crucial because it needs to be easy to use, provide engagement tools for both parties and lets the salesperson shine through utilizing various sales tools vs a “Death-by-Powerpoint” process.  Mission critical is then ensuring your sales team is adept at using the technology to present the information.   Understanding the power of the tools, how to quickly change information or present it in a certain way can make or break the sale.  Offering the prospect an opportunity to review the information on their own time is also important.  This particular aspect  gives the prospect some ownership in the sales presentation, thereby eliminating the boredom or “chat fatigue” that often encompasses sessions that are held using video-conferencing systems. 

The Dynamic, Effective Virtual Sales Presentation

According to Tim Pollard of Oratium, three important things are crucial for any virtual sale meeting:

  1. Extreme Simplicity – Video conference fatigue is real nowadays and must be considered when presenting a sales pitch virtually. With this in mind, sellers must be mindful of how long their message is. Simplify, simplify, simplify.
  2. Intentional Engagement – Sellers must know their intended audience and craft their messages to be particularly and specifically engaging. Not only must sellers win the attention of potential buyers, but they also need to engage their buyer in the review and discussion.  This requires they quickly identify and confirm the customer’s specific pain points and clarify how they can alleviate them. 
  3. Documentary Support – Because virtual presentations tend to be shorter than their in-person counterparts, sales materials must be well-crafted, succinct, and strong. Pollard suggests that the leave-behind document become “the seller’s most critical tool for equipping buyers to on-sell their solution.” That’s a lot of pressure for one little document.

Practical Advice for a Winning Presentation

In addition to Pollard’s advice above, a few other tips are important to remember for a successful virtual sales presentation.

Share Materials Beforehand

Sending attractive, interesting materials a few minutes before the sales presentation gives the potential buyer a little time to prepare and be ready to engage. Using technology like Jigsaw Interactive, you can easily release a live copy of the presentation or video so each member of the buying team can review specific information that’s important to them

Create Engaging Visuals

Prepare colorful and engaging visuals for your sales presentation. Include graphs, pictures, and other relevant non-text details.  Include videos that are short but informative about the product or your company. 

Train and Practice

Finally, train and practice. Run through your presentation using all aspects of the technology. Be familiar with your material, what you want to share, when and build in questions for your buyer that will engage them in the process.   Let them own reviewing the information so they can formulate their questions.  If a specific person looks like they are not paying attention, ask them a question or call on them for clarity.  Involvement is critical to selling and building a relationship with the entire buyer’s team is important. 

Virtual sales presentations are a very efficient and effective way to sell, but putting together an event that is powerful, attention getting and empowering for the buyer is imperative.   If you want to understand more about how Jigsaw Interactive can help your virtual sales process, visit us at or request a demo and experience the virtual sales process.
