The world of business looks far different than it did ten, twenty, or even thirty years ago. Times change and the world has gotten smaller due to technological innovations, forcing businesses to either evolve to meet the demands of modern consumers or shut their doors forever. Like your customer’s expectations have changed over the years, the expectations of your workforce has changed.
Today’s workforce doesn’t get a job straight out of high school or college and stick with it until retirement like those who came before them. They have the opportunity and desire to change positions and even career fields multiple times throughout their lives. So they’re looking for forward-thinking companies who place value on what they have to offer now, and how they can continue to help the employee grow as a professional.
Successful companies have learned that to keep a satisfied workforce and drastically lower their turnover rate, they have to offer incentives that are attractive to their employees. One incentive that works well is ongoing professional development opportunities.
Today’s employees want access to dynamic, provocative, multi-dimensional professional development programs that can be attended virtually. Businesses that shift 50% or more of their training programs to a virtual learning environment can quickly and easily meet these expectations.
When you provide virtual learning opportunities to your employees, you’ll save time and money for your company. Think of the convenience of not having to coordinate schedules and travel plans for employees to make sure that they can all make it to one location at any given time. The time saved in productivity alone can probably pay for the entire annual training program.
Virtual training, if done correctly and with the right technology is more engaging than the traditional face to face programs. There’s no sitting in the back of a conference room texting your buddy or doing emails. In a virtual learning environment, trainers can provide multi-dimensional programs by using multiple learning resources, hands-on assignments, role-playing tools, small group learning and in-class assessments. That’s why virtual training programs can help improve retention through better learning practices. Virtual training can provide learning analytics on how their employees are engaging and performing.
To meet these types of training needs, you need to use technology designed specifically for virtual training/learning. Web conferencing systems don’t offer the vast array of tools and the learning environment necessary to allow you to meet your training goals.
With the right virtual training solution, like Jigsaw Interactive, your employees experience better, more engaging training that will lead to a higher level of performance and productivity.