
Extra Curricular Activities – Part I – How Many?

Elementary School What is an extracurricular activity?  An extracurricular activity encompasses many things outside the actual academic school classroom.  This includes things like sports, student government, debate clubs, art and educational clubs and even community service programs. Extracurricular activities are … Read More

How 5 Top Companies Keep Employees Happy – Part I

Involvement & Belonging Have you ever wondered how the top companies keep employees happy and engaged? Let’s look at the top five companies rated highest for employee satisfaction and find out what they do right. This series will discuss three … Read More

Performance Management – Part II – Best Practices

We recently discussed that performance management has been undergoing extensive changes in recent years, moving from a rigid and often ineffective process to one more centered on the employee with more consistent feedback. In this article, we’ll review problems with … Read More

Continuing Education for Teachers – Part II

Professional development plays a big role in the life of a teacher working in the United States. The average teacher is required to attend professional development courses prior to the beginning of each school year, frequently throughout the year, and … Read More

Performance Management – Part I – An Overview

Every organization wants to do what they can to improve their success. A key part of this for any company is performance management. However, many companies simply are ineffective in their efforts. A Deloitte study found that 58% of companies … Read More

Continuing Education for Teachers – Part I

Becoming a teacher in the U.S. is not as easy as many might think. It takes years of study, plenty of practice teaching, and passing a litany of tests before being put in charge of a classroom. Once a teacher … Read More

Addiction in the Workplace – Part II – The Cost

Although addiction causes disruption and harm on the individual level, its effects aren’t limited to just the addicted person’s life.  The consequences radiate outward impacting family and friends, employers and coworkers, and society as a whole.   In terms of the … Read More

Addiction in the Workplace – Part I

Addiction is a widespread problem, reaching into homes and workplaces across the world, affecting the lives of many people. With employees spending as much as a third of their lives on the job, organizations have an opportunity to make a … Read More

The Skills Gap –  The Correlation Between Training & the Skills Gap – Part III

You’ve heard it before, but it bears repeating: Hire for talent, train for skill. Kristoffer Lundberg, of Insurtech Insights, says, “Skill is [the] ability to complete a task, like sales, accounting, or management. Talent, however, is the behavioral foundation that … Read More

The Skills Gap – What Role Have Corporations Played In Creating It – Part II

We have reviewed how the Great Retirement, antiquated education, and advancing technology are the primary causes of the mismatch between employer expectations and employee abilities. In this article, we’ll dig a little deeper and explore how corporations are contributing to … Read More